Hetherington- "everything we do is political."
Everything you do is political, whether you like it or not. It was your choice to view this blog. You had two choices and you picked a side...as simple as that. Usually when a person thinks about political views they immediately jump to conclusions on whether it's "democrat" or "republican." In the documentary, Restrepo filmed by Tim Hetherington, he focuses on the lives of some soldiers fighting the war in Afghanistan's Korengal Valley (2007). The documentary is named after PFC (Private First Class) Juan Restrepo. He was a great friend to many of the soldiers in the platoon that was deployed to the Korengal Valley. The soldiers took time to grieve, but soon chose to fight in his name. They would later set up a camp called OP Restrepo named after their friend, brother, comrade, Juan Restrepo. Was this to ignite the idea of a political statement? In an interview Hetherington was asked if the film was political or made to make a political statement. Short and sweet he said "no." He said no to the idea that it was made to be a political statement. His view of "political" was to say that every choice is a step in the direction of being political. "What you eat...How you dress...where you choose to live. You know it's all political." It is very true to say that. It is all political. Life is a political phenomenon. Choice. Politics is all about having a view and choosing what to do with it. Even if you choose to do nothing with it... isn't that still your choice?
Restrepo is a political movie, but not in the sense of "Democrat" or "Republican." It is a political movie in the sense that there is meaning and choice behind everything in life, whether it is good or bad. Everything happens for a reason and you have a choice to make it what you want. Your life is political.